Tuesday, August 2

Photos in eBird Comments!

Today I just realized that I can incorporate HTML into my eBird comments! This enables me to format text, insert line breaks, and even display photos using references to other websites! Here is an example checklist:


I used a photo I uploaded to the internet (my blog), and used the HTML tag to display it in the species comments! This is the code I typed into the comments box:

<img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj4E-jQYwbwPfwo0ui5h_0Mab57TeUvni0YPcLYHt8XwNpumKBgfRfB441kFN_66SElieLymMuM2MYuk7WAptDaHwdzDW1ehLHrlIcYYV9bZdKCs-k-r9yrirphtlmRoU-dYjPetltcIDL4/s400/Male+and+Female+-+2.JPG" style="width:200px;height:150px;" />

To learn how to use HTML (it's very easy), go to W3Schools HTML tutorials.

Example eBird Checklist