As of Nov. 28, is down for good. Hosting expenses got in the way. This has been a no-profit no-frills and therefore also a low-cost-only enterprise, so until I manage to get some funding, the Accubirder website tools will unfortunately not be available.
The BirdTrax and the Accubirder gadgets are a different story, however. These gadgets were hosted on the website, but I have moved them to Google storage for now, I'll see how that works for the next few months. I have updated the BirdTrax embedder for now, I am still thinking about how best to handle the Accubirder transition. I am trying to work out a long-term solution where finances are not an issue.
As a better alternative, if you own a website and have the ability to host your own gadget source files, feel free to send me an email at and I'll send you the code for these gadgets with instructions on how to get the gadget running. That way you can rely on yourself for gadget up-time.