Monday, October 21

Update Your BirdTrax Embed Code

If BirdTrax is embedded on your website, it may disappear on November 1 -- You need to follow the simple instructions in this post to keep it running!!!

On November 1, iGoogle will be retired. The BirdTrax gadget is hosted on an iGoogle directory, so it may no longer be available from the current URL. But no worries, BirdTrax is now hosted on Google Code, so here's what you need to do:

Update your gadget embed code. It should look something like this:
<script src="//;up_latlng=42.461381%2C%20-76.50454&amp;up_radius=15&amp;up_daysBack=30&amp;up_locName=Ithaca%2C%20NY&amp;up_districtName=&amp;up_State=Hawaii&amp;up_countryCode=US&amp;up_defaultMode=area&amp;up_defaultview=sightings&amp;up_spuhs=0&amp;up_picture=1&amp;up_hideNavMenu=1&amp;up_showhide=2&amp;up_hide2=european%20starling%2C%20house%20sparrow%2C%20rock%20pigeon&amp;synd=open&amp;w=375&amp;h=450&amp;title=BirdTrax&amp;border=%23ffffff%7C3px%2C1px+solid+%23999999&amp;output=js"></script>
You need to update the script source and its URL attribute from:

If you make this simple replacement, your gadget will perform equally well (and perhaps load even faster) than before.

BirdTrax is now hosted on Google Code, a reliable and fast server which is capable of managing the steady stream of code requests from the thousands of websites which use BirdTrax.

If you are unsure how to do this, you can use the BirdTrax Website Embedder Code Generator (the output has been updated). Using the code from this tool will do the same thing as is described above, and will keep your gadget working after November 1.

I apologize for this inconvenience. Please let me know if you have any issues!


  1. I have set up county pages in the Ohio eBird Hot Spot web site and have been using BirdTrax to display the county bird sightings. The new code builder does not seem to support display of county level sightings. Am I missing something?
    Ken Ostermiller

    1. Ken, you are correct. This issue is entirely unrelated to the BirdTrax hosting transition. As has happened on multiple occasions in the past, Avian Knowledge Network (AKN) National and Subnational APIs are temporarily down. BirdTrax uses these APIs to grab county and state codes to plug into eBird APIs. It shouldn't be more than a day or two before these APIs are back up and running. Hang in there!

  2. I did the update, and I still get just the warning to update or it will disapper by Nov 1. Is it down until then? Ed Pulldn

    1. If you still see the warning, you are still using the old version. You need to entirely replace your old code with the new code, and you should not see the warning sign. So, try totally taking off your gadget, then putting a new gadget back in its place with the new code from the code generator. That should fix your issue. Let me know if it doesn't! Zach

    2. Zachary, I just replaced all my old code with the new generated code and it's doing the same thing for me (still getting the warning). I tried it a couple of times it still doesn't work. Rob Fowler

    3. I did that too, and it still shows the warning. I used the tool on your site. What's up?

    4. Rob and Ed,

      If you have replaced the code with the code generator output, there is no way the old gadget could be referenced. You guys aren't on iGoogle, if I might ask? Otherwise I suppose your gadget might be "cached" (meaning stored and not updated for a period of time) -- this however should not be occurring when we change the URL of the gadget. Would you both mind contacting me by email ( and sending me the embed code that you are using? Also let me know what site you are testing this on. This may help to figure out what's going on.

  3. Given that iGoogle will be retired, can anyone comment on good places to host the gadget for personal use? Are people just creating private blogs for this purpose?

    1. Check out my latest post on using Google Sites. This is one suggestion, there are a lot of comments on that post with other suggestions.

  4. Code changes worked beautifully for me. Added it a few minutes ago and had no issues. Just a reminder to folks making the changes. Search in your code for the script source and its URL attribute from and then just copy and paste the new one in. Also, I saved the old code using a text editor and made my changes there making notes along the way to keep track of what I changed. Thanks a bunch for posting the updated code.

  5. where do i find the code??????

    1. This post describes the code you need to replace in your existing code. If you do not understand how to do this, try using this tool:

  6. My BirdTrax code used to work fine. But the new code from the generator produces no output:

    1. Darrell, the code in that site works for me. So try running your preferences through the website embedder again, get a new script (it is now slightly more "updated"), and then paste that code into your website. Email me at if this still isn't working for you. Zachary

  7. The "slightly more updated" version works for me ;)

  8. I've installed the gadget and it works great in m browser on my laptop. However, on the iPhone, when I click on a location, it doesn't go to a map of the site. Any idea? Also, is there a way to make the text in the gadget larger? Thanks.

    1. The gadget references a Google Maps URL. If your iPhone does not accept this, it won't work. I'm not sure about the text issue either, since I haven't tested the gadget much at all on mobile devices. This is definitely something for the next application development process!

  9. This gadget works great. I would like to install it our our home page. It seems to behave well in Chrome, IE & Safari. The only issue I have is that when I view the page on an iPhone, it scrolls off the bottom of the page... it ignores the height variable in the script. Anyway that you know to fix this. Thanks.

    1. This is a problem on iPhone. Apple applications are not very compatible with Google's intentions, and the height attribute is one thing they ignore in this case. Fixing this issue is unfortunately not within control of the application itself.


Please leave your comment below. If you have a question or issue which may be specific to your situation only, please email Thank you!